Angular 11 and Angular 12 comparison

                                         In this world where the web and mobile apps play an important role in our daily life many technological revolutions have happened in a short period of time in the field of development. Angular is such a revolution. It is called a superheroic framework of JavaScript. It came from the big tech giant Google itself which makes it even more amazing. Let’s dive into the topic. 

Angular 11

Updated Hot Module Replacement support- It is a feature which helps developers to replace the modules without a browser refresh. In version 11 HMR is supported with necessary configuration and design. 

Component Test harness- This feature is useful for getting a clear API surface. It is necessary to test the Angular Material parts.

Faster builds- 

 Angular 11 has this ngcc update measure in a 4 times faster interaction to facilitate the clients to invest less energy waiting for the forms and rebuilds to finish tasks.

Experimental webpack 5 support- It helps developers to fuse a huge number of documents into a single group. This also improves faster forms and disk caching. 

Angular 12

Angular Ivy- Angular environment has seen many deprecations.View Engine deprecation is the most important among them. Ivy’s objective is to combine the Angular ecosystem on Ivy. 


IE11 Support- Angular can keep up with the advancing web-based ecosystem. Angular has removed support for legacy browsers.