Laravel Pros and Cons

There is no framework which is perfect. Every framework has its own pro and cons. And you can do anything in any of the modern frameworks. Every framework provides some alternatives for its cons or some more pros along with some more cons. 

Laravel Pros

  • If you are a PHP lover then laravel is the best framework for you with the latest technologies.
  • Easy to learn. Although its documents are already simplest. The Best Laravel and PHP Screencasts makes it more convenient. Its documentation is also very beautiful.
  • It is an MVC framework. It avoids silly traditional architecture where developers used to write all HTML and php code in the same file.
  • Eloquent ORM support - Another service provided to abstract and automate the model part. Relationships and mapping of the database with our application with a simple convention over configuration technique
  • Blade template engine gives an easy experience in adding logic in HTML file. So easy to add new features without hacking the core.
  • Routing - The easiest to manage and abstract way of routing. It just makes everything hassle free and the abstraction provided takes out each and every complexity. It also including reverse routing.
  • Queue management - To abstract the unnecessary tasks and get them queued behind the scenes and make user response time much faster.
  • In-house support for Redis. It can also be extended to Memcached.
  • Dependency Injection - Easy testing and automating dependency loading
  • Artisan - Making command line apps in a moment.
  • Bundles and composer provide a number of bundles modular packaging system and dependencies.

Laravel Cons

  • It is lightweight so it has less inbuilt support in compare to Django and rails. But this problem can be solved by integrating third-party tools, but for large and very custom websites it may be a tedious task.
  • Laravel’s core files are all within (at least) the Laravel namespace and not all of the files in core use a namespace slash ( a \ ) in front of a call to another core file, which makes extending some classes a bit trickier. This is not a huge issue and one, not every developer will need to worry about.